The holidays are a difficult and stressful time for families who experience trauma, homelessness and poverty. In an effort to provide a more joyful season, FrontLine is providing a party and “Twinkle Shop” for families who were homeless, are experiencing poverty and receive support through FrontLine’s Young Adult, Family Housing and Veterans programs.
The party includes dinner, dessert and children’s crafts. Parents select new toys for their children in the holiday shop and children will select a new gift for their parent(s). This year 70 families and 200 children are expected to attend! Please help to make sure this is a special evening for these families and their children!
You can help:
Provide a contribution to support the Twinkle Shop event. We are halfway to our goal!!!
Hold a donation drive of new, unopened gifts at your company, church, group. Contact Jordan Rush for more information
Buy items from our Amazon Wish List
Volunteer to help with the party. Sign up HERE
Share the event to your family and friends on Facebook