New Campus District Branding


Did you know that the Campus District neighborhood contains one third of the land area of downtown? With such a diverse group of organizations and people represented in our neighborhood, it was important that the Campus District explore how we are represented in our broader Cleveland community. That’s why this spring we launched our Marketing and Branding Task Force.

Composed of marketing professionals, educators, businesses, students, and residents, the Marketing Task Force met five times during the spring and summer to discuss how Campus District would position itself and how we would market the broader neighborhood while still acknowledging our unique districts. Led by faculty from Cuyahoga Community College, task force participants were asked about the strengths and challenges of the neighborhood and what future we’d envision for the community.


Based on the feedback we received, Campus District contracted with Muse Content Group, a neighborhood business, to further refine our direction. Together with the Campus District and Superior Arts District Board of Directors, we focused on the identities of each of our neighborhoods. We concluded that the Campus District is made up of two distinct yet connected neighborhoods, the Superior Arts District and the Campus Communities.

Since its inception in the early 2000s, the Superior Arts District has not had its own logo or branding. The committee was tasked with developing a new logo for Campus District and Superior Arts, while being sure they acknowledged one another. The new logo for the Campus District is now part of the logo for the Superior Arts District as you can see below.

Finally, the group was asked what makes Campus District unique amongst all the other neighborhoods of Cleveland. As the passionate discussion occurred it became clear to everyone that what sets Campus District apart is that we are the neighborhood for everyone. Whether you’re finding your path at one of our educational institutions, healing your body or mind at one of our health care facilities, raising your family in one of the dozens of residential properties, or starting your life over in one of our shelters, the Campus District is welcoming to all. It all fits together in Cleveland’s Community of Purpose.


We’re excited about our new look and messaging and in the coming weeks and months we’ll have even more exciting news to announce as we restructure to meet the needs of our dynamic and changing neighborhood.